On Monday's Mark Levin Show
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2024-10-15 02:05:00 UTC
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, back in the 1980’s Joe Biden stole the
words from RFK and Neil Kinnock, and it cost him his Presidential
candidacy. Today, we have Kamala Harris doing the same thing. Harris is
accused of plagiarizing her first book. However, the majority of
Americans might not hear about it because the media is covering it up.
Most Americans are getting their election news from ABC, CBS and/or
NBC. This plagiarism shows you how unethical and immoral she is. Also,
Harris wants indigenous people’s day to replace Columbus Day. This is
another way for Harris to trash America and push her Marxist agenda.
Later, what has Harris done for the Black community and specifically
young Black men? Nothing! Harris is trying to reach out to them with
proposals on marijuana. This stereotype is disgusting. Afterward, Bill
Clinton said that Laken Riley’s Death “probably wouldn’t have happened”
if all immigrants were vetted. This is the reality – they are not
vetting these people. God knows who’s coming in. We haven’t even felt
the effects of this open border yet and Harris and no intention of
closing it. Finally, Gabe Evans calls in to discuss his run for
Colorado’s 8th Congressional District.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America, Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-
3811. Lots, lots lots going on. Seems like every day up to election 22
days away. Hope you folks in early voting states have already voted or
you’re going to vote this week. I’m quite serious about this. So a lot
going on today. I remember back in 1988. And most of you do, too, even
you who are much younger than I, because we’ve played the audio that
when Joe Biden gave a speech and stole the words from Robert F Kennedy
and stole the words from Neil Kinnock, who was the Labor Party leader
in Britain. It cost him. His candidacy as he was running for the
primary, the Democrat Party, 1988. He humiliated himself. He humiliated
himself. And he had to drop out of that race. Well. Now we have Kamala
Harris, who’s done the same thing, and other than the Daily Mail and
Breitbart and a few others. The news is ignoring it because the news
has changed. As bad as it was back then, it’s 100 times worse today. So
let me read something to you from The Daily Mail. And plagiarism is
stealing, just so you understand. It’s stealing the intellectual work,
the intellectual property of somebody who actually put the time into
thinking, writing, researching. And she’s a lawyer and lawyers above
all others. Above all, others know that it is unethical to steal
somebody’s intellectual property. Kamala Harris accused of plagiarizing
her first book, Smart on Crime and Bombshell Report. But the fact is
the vast majority of Americans aren’t going to know about it. Let me
make a little right turn here to explain why There’s a report that came
out from Pew Research about five or six days ago. And it asks which
news organizations Americans turn to for election news. Which ones? And
they they broke it down. Network television news remains the most
widely used of these sources. 68%. ABC, CBS, NBC. Is at least a minor
source for election news, including three in ten who name this as a
major source. About half of U.S. adults use CNN 53% or FOX 50% as a
major or minor source of political news, while about four in ten 41%
MSNBC. So on ABC, CBS and ABC and CNN and MSNBC, there won’t be a word
about her plagiarism, which I’ll get to in a moment. But The New York
Times, 38% and The Washington Post 32% remain Sources of election news
for many Americans, although the shares who turn to these traditional
newspapers have declined modestly since 2020. About a third of
Americans named NPR 34% at least as a minor source of election news
rate. Pew. 27% use conservative talk radio, such as Sean HANNITY or
Mark Levin. 27%. Their share who say talk radio. As at least a minor
source of election news is identical to 2020, so the number hasn’t
reduced. So 27% of the people. Get their election information, their
election news and their news generally. From HANNITY and me and others
in conservative talk radio. It’s a lot of people. But it doesn’t
outnumber 68%. It’s why George Soros wants to buy up the stations. But
I’m making the point. The point is that what I’m about to tell you,
because the media are censoring it, won’t get to the majority of
Americans. Several passages in Vice President Kamala Harris first book
are found to have been lifted from Wikipedia and other sources without
attribution, according to a bombshell new report. Paris published her
first book, Smart on Crime A Career Prosecutors Plan to Make US Safer
in 2009 with co-author Joan O. Hamilton. It took a political slogan
from her campaign for district attorney and attempted to make it into a
nationwide plan for the future criminal justice reform. Christopher
Russo published details of the book on his Substack today, citing
famous Austrian plagiarism hunter Stephan Weber, who says he found more
than a dozen fragments of plagiarism. Webber. This report shows that
Harris copied verbatim content from Wikipedia, which is outrageous.
Goodwill Industries, her partner on Back on Track Crime Program and
other online sources. The report shows that Harris lifted an entire
section of Texas from the Associated Press story published in April
2008, about low graduation rates. So why, when people said to me, Why
do you have so many notes and footnotes? Because I’m ethical. That’s
why. That’s why. In another section of the book, Harris included extant
subsections from a John Jay College of Criminal Justice press release
nearly verbatim without attribution. The plagiarism hunter made a side
by side comparison, showing Harris lifted part of her book from
Wikipedia without properly citing the online encyclopedia as her
source. First of all, it’s a very horrendous source. Another example
includes language copied directly from a Bureau of Justice Assistance
report on crime statistics of West Palm Beach. Rufo wrote, They not
only lifted material from sources without proper attribution, but at
least one case relied on a low quality source which potentially
undermined the accuracy of their conclusion. How do you like that? The
Harris campaign did not return a request for comment. Why? Because they
don’t have to. Because they’re not going to. Because CNN and MSNBC and
the networks and the newspapers are going to ignore it. Plagiarism
accusations can derail a political campaign as it demonstrates a
candidate, a candidate that is lazier, unserious, and that’s her. Like
with the hurricane and everything else and her staff has said. She
doesn’t do the work. Biden’s first presidential presidential campaign,
as I pointed out in 1987, was derailed by plagiarism accusations after
appear to be copying phrases and mannerisms from a British Labor Party
politician who was also accused of plagiarism in law school. Political
figures typically rely on ghostwriters to publish their first published
works. But Harris’s image and author credit is used for the book,
suggesting she should address the controversy. Rufo said Harris and her
publisher retract the plagiarized passages from her book and issue a
correction. There’s nothing smart about plagiarism, which is the
equivalent of an academic crime, he concluded. That’s right. It’s
stealing. That’s what it is. Harris’s first book kicked off her first
national media tour. She raised her political profile and prepared to
run for attorney general. California. She’s a fraud, folks. She’s a
fiction. And Rufo criticized the published work of prominent academic
figures, including former Harvard president Claudine Gay. She was also
widely criticized for her lackluster response to anti-Semitic protests
and violence on campus. She has a lot in common, doesn’t she? Harris
with Claudine. Yeah. So Harris is a plagiarism and she’s no intention
of responding to it. None. None. And she’s not going to be questioned
about it. But she is a plagiarize or she stole somebody. And not just
the little. She stole a lot. She stole a whole lot. Now. Here’s Rufo in
his post. Kamala Harris has become famous in part for her unique
rhetorical styles. He switches freely from various accents and peppers,
her speeches with catchphrases. But as we have discovered in this
exclusive report, he writes. One second, please. Another element
appears to exist within Kamala Harris’s rhetorical universe. Plagiarism
at the beginning of her career, in the run up to her campaign as
service, California’s attorney general published a small volume Smart
on Crime. It helped to establish a credibility in criminal justice
issues. But Stefan Weber, this guy is the key. He did the work. A famed
Austrian plagiarism hunter who has taken down politicians in German
speaking world. Harris’s book contains more than a dozen, quote,
vicious plagiarism fragments, unquote, he said. Some of the passages he
highlighted appear to contain minor transgressions, reproducing small
sections of text in sufficient paraphrasing, but others reflect more
serious infractions similar in severity to those found in Harvard
President Claudine Gay’s doctoral thesis. Harris did not respond to
requests for comment. Let’s consider a selection of these excerpts from
Harris’s book. I’m not going to read at all. There’s a lot beginning on
one in which Harris discusses high school graduation rates. Here she
lifted verbatim word for word language from an unsighted NBC News
report with the duplicated material marked in italics. I won’t read it
to you. It’s there. There’s more in another section of the book. HARRIS
Without proper attribution, we talk about the John Jay two full
paragraphs section about a New York court program. She stole long
passages directly from Wikipedia, long considered an unreliable source.
She not only assumes the online encyclopedia is accuracy, but copies
its language nearly verbatim without citing the source. And it’s a long
steel. To make matters worse in duplicate in Wikipedia’s language,
Harris seems to have missed critical information and misstated
irrelevant detail. While the BGA report, Bureau of Justice Assistance,
was not the proper source. And he goes on. Indeed. Finally, while
attempting to write a description of a non-profit group, Harris simply
lifted promotional language from an Urban Institute report failed to
cite or source. Now it goes on and on. She is a plagiarist of the worst
kind. But when you are trained as a lawyer, you go to law school. When
you take various classes, you learn how to do legal research and
briefing and that sort of thing. It is almost beaten into you. The
importance of citing your sources and citing them correctly. And citing
them correctly, it is an ethical breach to steal somebody’s
information. In fact, lawyers can be disbarred. For filing briefs where
they steal significant pieces of information and so forth without
citing the the original source. Now, this was a book. But it shows you
how unethical and immoral this woman is. And not just for plagiarism
with their lives, with their flip flops, with their failure to
prosecute. You know, people who molested. Young teenagers and children.
Pedophiles. She is a a liar. She’s dumb. She’s an Islamist Marxist
ideologue. She treats people like crap. She can’t keep staff 92% when
she was vice president. 92% left, including top official chief of
staff, communications director and so forth and so on. They leaked to
Politico. They leaked to other outlets which don’t cover it anymore.
About the F-word. The father of an intern whose. Supported her when she
was de was so upset. He wrote an op ed in a San Francisco paper. How
she told people came into their office. Stand up straight in the
morning and say good morning, General. When she was attorney general,
rather general. And told them not to look her in the eye. This is a
head case. It’s a head case. And the media have done the very best they
can to smother this. She’s not a good person. She’s a mean person.
She’s a nasty person. She’s a dishonest person. And she now steals
people’s intellectual property and uses that as her own to write a
book. In order to make a profit and to promote herself and the
overwhelming majority of the networks, cable news newspapers, will
pretend it never happened. Just like Doug Emhoff, the way he’s treated
women, abused women, abused women. They’ll keep that under under lock
and key as long as they can. Terrible. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Happy Columbus Day. Just a matter of time until they yank that call in
in danger to stay or something else. 2019. Not all that long ago.
Kamala Harris supported renaming Columbus Day. Hat tip. Right. Scoop
one, go. Wondering, would you support efforts on a federal level to
change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day? And why does that matter
so much? And what and why it matters is to your very point, we have to
remember history. And back. This question, I think really is connected
to the last question about our morals and and our and our compass and
our goals and our aspirations. We have to remember our history.
Uncomfortable to your point about truths, though it may make us think.
Why don’t you tell us a little bit about history genius. She doesn’t
know a damn thing about history, but she buys into every radical left
wing agenda imaginable. Anybody sitting on the fence, it’s outrageous.
So to hate Columbus, the story’s much more balanced than some people
would have you believe. It turns out after what was a 22 years of
research, they determined that Columbus was a Sephardic Jew at a time
of the Inquisition in Spain. She had to pretend he wasn’t Jewish,
otherwise he would have been expelled from Spain. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So you heard what Kamala Harris said. She would like Indigenous Peoples
Day to replace Columbus Day. And of course she would. She’s everything
I said she is. But in 2021, three short years ago, she went beyond
that. She went way beyond that. Listen to this cut to. This is, again,
2021. Go. It is an honor, of course, to be with you this week as we
celebrate indigenous Peoples Day. Now, we don’t celebrate that
apparently in the Middle East for the Jews. Apparently the Democrat
Party. Harris. Biden. Blinken. We pulled off the whole bunch of them.
They don’t view the Jews having been in Judea and Samaria for 4000
years. In the Bible at being indigenous peoples. You see their
occupiers. They’re occupiers. But in our country. We are talking about
the indigenous peoples. They don’t give a damn about the Native
Americans in this country any more than you give a damn about the
Palestinians or anything else. It’s just a way to trash our country as
it’s a way to trash Israel and the Jews in the Middle East. That’s all.
That’s all to push their Marxist agenda. That’s it. The Democrat Party
hasn’t lifted a finger for Native Americans in this country any more
than they’ve lifted a finger for young black men. And I’ll get back to
that, too. Now she’s running around. I need the young black man vote.
And so look at this. I got five things I’m going to do for young black
men. You believe this? You believe this person? She’s committed to one
thing herself. That’s it. Anyway. Go ahead, Bruce. About our nation’s
history since 1934. Every October, the United States has recognized the
voyage of the European explorers who fought Columbus Day. That’s today.
So all you people who are on vacation today, you shouldn’t have been.
Cause you’re supposed to hate Columbus. He’s, you know, the Hitler of
his era, which is not true. It’s very complicated. And one day I might
get into it if I care to. But the way people like Kamala Harris use
these things, it’s to destroy modern day America. It’s did destroy the
founding of America. It’s to destroy the people of America. If you’ve
read American Marxism in 1.4 million of you have the book. This is what
I write about significantly, and this is what’s taught in our colleges
and universities. That quote unquote, the Europeans are the occupiers.
The Europeans are the illegal aliens that. Other people there, the
indigenous peoples. And so the borders wide open. This is what this
administration believes. This is what Kamala Harris believes. That’s
why the borders open. We’re talking about an invasion of people,
illegal aliens. No, no, you people with a white European heritage.
You’re the illegal aliens. And by the way, you people of color. Who
have assimilated into the white European societal culture. You are, in
effect, no better than these European whites between your ears. Tony, I
have quoted it in the book. And I cited it to Mr. Producer. Go ahead.
The shores of the Americas. But that is not the whole story. That has
never been the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave of
devastation for tribal nations, perpetrating violence, stealing land
and spreading disease. Now, with all due respect, again, not getting
into it deeply. Those tribal nations slaughtered the hell out of each
other. Long before the white Europeans were here. And there were also
people who predated Native Americans who were in North America. Two,
again, I’m not going to get into all this, but she just spews this this
propaganda. Because she despises this country. Go ahead. We must not
shy away from this shameful past, and we must shed light on it and do
everything we can to address the impact of the past on native
communities today. So what are you doing about it today? Nothing.
There’s still reservations out there with native communities. So what
has Kamala Harris done about it? Nothing. She never visited one. I
doubt it. I doubt it. It’s just like. Young black men. Young black men
out there. And believe it or not, we have a significant number. Listen
to this program. Young black men out there. What has Kamala Harris done
any time in her career? To affect your lives. She’s not running around
saying she wants to legalize marijuana. She prosecuted people for using
marijuana for song. Small amounts of marijuana. There’s a tough D.A. in
San Francisco. That’s how she earned her spurs, in part. But. But I am
sitting here wondering what exactly have Harris and Biden done for the
black community, let alone young black men like Obama? What did he do
for young black men? I can tell you what what Trump did. Criminal
justice reform, obviously not just for young black men, but this was
something that the black community pushed and pushed hard, given the
percentage of black people who were in our federal prisons. And Trump
did something about it. Obama did nothing. Biden did nothing, and
Harris said nothing. What about it? Nothing. What about opportunity
zones? There are over 8000 of them across the country. Which use
economic activities to try and grow these communities, to try and bring
investment in these communities by slashing taxes and regulations and
providing certain types of subsidies in minority neighborhoods,
particularly black neighborhoods. Obama didn’t do that. Biden and
Harris didn’t do that. What about school choice? Kamala Harris strongly
opposes school choice. Why She’s Bought and Paid For by Randi
Weingarten of the AFT American Federation of Teachers. But school
choice is something I know something about. And landmark legal know
something about because we litigated this issue since the 1970s and
finally won and made school choice possible. We and a couple other
groups and we represented Polly Williams, a black state representative,
fairly liberal. From the poorest parts of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And we
teamed up and we fought the NEA and we fought the WGA and we fought
so-called black civil rights groups that it teamed up with the teachers
unions. And we won. We won two cases in the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We
and others won two cases in the United States Supreme Court. This was
hard fought for by conservative and libertarian legal groups. And now
governors are free to use school choice. To help poor kids in poor
neighborhoods, especially minority kids and especially black kids to
get out of these criminally infested schools where they don’t learn a
damn thing. Where parents can make a choice. And this idea. Came not
from the left. It came from Milton Friedman. Competition in schools.
Obama opposed it even though he sent his kids to one of the most
expensive private schools in Washington, D.C. Biden opposed it even
though he went to a private school and his kids went to a private
school. Kamala Harris opposes school choice. So I just want to know,
what exactly has Kamala Harris done for the black community since she
was vice president or even before, but since she was vice president and
specifically for young black men. I want to know. Now, she’s got out.
We’re going to have a grant here and throw money over there and do
this. She can say whatever she wants. What has she done? Nothing. Zero.
She’s done nothing. For young black men in this country. Nothing. So
she sends Obama out there and tries to humiliate them, basically
telling them to vote their race. A lot of people are sick of that crap
that doesn’t put food on the table. That doesn’t create. Opportunities.
And it’s demeaning. It’s demeaning. Should I vote for Bernie Sanders
because he’s born a Jew? Never in my life. That would never happen.
Never. She sends Obama. He did nothing. Then they sent Clinton around
the camp. What’s his deal, by the way? Sounds like he’s 112 years old.
And so there she is, the European settlers. The European settlers.
Well, they weren’t all slave owners. They didn’t all attack Native
Americans. They did create the declaration in the Constitution, our
economic system. The man who did more. More. To stand up and destroy
slavery was Abraham Lincoln. He came from European. Settlers, no doubt
about it. But even in the midst of the Civil War, the hellish battles
that took place in that civil war were 700,000 casualties. He stood by
the founders of the country. He would quote the Declaration of
Independence. He defended the Constitution of the United States. He
defended the country. Kamala Harris, who hadn’t done a damn thing for
this country, let alone black people. Seriously, I’m quite serious. She
trashes it, trashes it all. Broad brush. Just a broad brush. Well, a
lot of those people who fought in the Civil War. Their ancestors were
European settlers who fought for the North to abolish slavery. Just
thought I’d point that out, too. Look, I don’t want to go into the
gutter with her. I just want you to know who she really is. Just want
you to know who she really is. And there’s no way. No way. Seriously.
That she should be anywhere near the presidency. She’s not qualified. I
don’t mean by age and citizenship and all. I mean just not
substantively qualified. Here she is today in an interview. She’s
talking about constellations. Cut three. Go. You know, there’s this
whole I talked with somebody wants to said, you know, if you just look
at where the the the stars are in the sky. Don’t look at me as just
brand of things. If you just look at them as points. Look at the
constellation. What does it show you? So you just outlined it, Roland.
What does it show you? I don’t know. What does it show you? You smoke
in something? I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. You
don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Sometimes it pays to
listen and keep your mouth shut. You know, I just. Whether there are
thousands of these. These word salads, as they call them. That’s
incoherence, absolute incoherence. They’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, I look at Trump. Trump born in the Bronx. He goes to places
and he campaigns where Republicans don’t normally go. Why do you think
he’s doing that? He was a businessman, multi-billionaire, helped build
the skyline in New York, hired an awful lot of people. Blacks,
Hispanics, Asians, whites, you name it. Created jobs. People could put
food on their table. He talks about Kamala Harris says he doesn’t like
black people. What is that all about? Doesn’t like black people. He did
more in his four years and Kamala Harris has ever done. Same with the
Jews, the Democrat Party. Oh, he doesn’t like Jews. Does more for the
state of Israel. The ancestral home of the Jews than any president
before him. So how is it that his anti Jew, anti-black? He’s pro-
American. That’s what he is. Believes in America first, whether you’re
black, white, red, yellow, orange. Doesn’t matter to him. Does it
matter to him? You’re red blooded American. He loves the country. He
would never say the things that Kamala Harris says about America.
Never. Never. He doesn’t want to fundamentally transform America the
way she does and Obama and Biden do. We want you to embrace our
principles and our values. He’s not a philosophical or ideological
conservative or constitutionalist or anything of that sort. He comes to
these things based on his life’s experiences. That’s who he is. When we
come back. Boy, oh, boy, we’ve got a lot. Well, we have Bill Clinton in
his own words. I’m not going to tell you what he said. I’ll let you
hear what he said, but it’s definitely worth hearing. We’ll be right
Chris Ahlstrom
2024-10-16 10:39:24 UTC
Adios, dumbass spammer.
On Krat's main screen appeared the holo image of a man, and several dolphins.
From the man's shape, Krat could tell it was a female, probably their leader.
"...stupid creatures unworthy of the name `sophonts.' Foolish, pre-sentient
upspring of errant masters. We slip away from all your armed might, laughing
at your clumsiness! We slip away as we always will, you pathetic creatures.
And now that we have a real head start, you'll never catch us! What better
proof that the Progenitors favor not you, but us! What better proof..."
The taunt went on. Krat listened, enraged, yet at the same time savoring
the artistry of it. These men are better than I'd thought. Their insults
are wordy and overblown, but they have talent. They deserve honorable, slow
-- David Brin, Startide Rising