On Friday's Mark Levin Show
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2024-05-11 02:05:00 UTC
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, who the hell does Joe Biden think he is?
Who the hell does he think he is to tell the Israelis that they cannot
defeat Hamas, who has said again and again that they want to wipe out
the Jewish population in Israel? Who the hell does he think he is to be
funding Iran, Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah, arming them with our
money, with money from oil sales? Who the hell does he think he is to
tell the Jewish people in Israel whether they get to live or whether
they get to die? Biden says he provided weapons to Israel; he hasn’t
provided a damn thing to Israel. Congress provides weapons to Israel.
Biden is the one violating the Impoundment Act and the Constitution by
withholding it. When Donald Trump says if you’re Jewish and you vote
for Biden there’s something wrong with you – he’s exactly right. That
is suicide. Biden and Antony Blinken funded October 7th. Donald Trump
was destroying Iran, he bankrupted Iran. Biden and Blinken came into
office and armed Iran. Also, you can’t be a settler or occupier in your
own land. “The Jewish people’s 3,800-year history in and tied to their
ancestral homeland is memorialized in the Hebrew Bible and other
writings. Archaeological findings throughout this tiny land confirm the
centuries of history of the Jewish people in their land.” Later, the
most important aspect of a free society is a predictable rule of law
that’s applied equally. This is being destroyed by what’s taken place
in the Manhattan courtroom with Donald Trump. The gag rule exists for
the government, not the defendant. Trump needs to be able to speak to
the press. Everything that’s taken place in that courtroom is
diabolical. Finally, Rep Byron Donalds calls in to explain that Biden
is making kneejerk decisions based on votes in Michigan. For political
reasons Biden is withholding aid to Israel that Israel already paid for
and that Congress approved. Biden is doing grave damage to the office
of the presidency.
2024-05-12 08:30:41 UTC
Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811.
I promise to get to some calls in our three. Well, there’s a lot going
on, a lot to talk about on this Friday. And we never take our foot off
the gas pedal here. But something I said last night on HANNITY has, I’m
told, goes viral. I don’t really pay attention to that. But people are
telling me throughout the United States on various platforms. Throughout
the state of Israel. What did I say? Well, take a listen. And you’ll
hear what I said last night, and I’ll tell you how I came to make the
statements that I made last night on HANNITY. Go. You know, we were
attacked at Pearl Harbor. My grandfather was three or four at the time.
He joined the Marine Corps. He wound up finding it. He was Jima, his
buddy, his brother in law, my great Uncle Teddy. He joined the Marines
the same day and he wound up fighting in Guam and the Solomon Islands.
My family, we are red blooded Americans. We love this country to the
core. But I want to speak to you in a few minutes here that we have is
not just a red blooded patriotic American, but a person of the Jewish
faith. And I want to speak to Joe Biden directly. Who the hell do you
think you are? Who the hell do you think you are? To use these blood
libels against the Jewish people that they are indiscriminately
murdering Palestinian civilians. When you spew the lies or the Hamas
terrorists against the Jews and unleash anti-Semitism in this country,
around the world like we’ve never seen before. Who the hell do you think
you are to tell a democracy the Jewish people that elected this
government? You don’t like their government. They you don’t like their
prime minister that they need to remove and then place him with some
clown or lapdog that you prefer? Who the hell do you think you are to
tell the Israelis that they cannot defeat Hamas, which has said proven
again and again that they want to wipe out the Jewish population in
Israel? Who the hell do you think you are to be funding Iran and Hamas
and the Hutus and Hezbollah arming them with our money? With money from
oil sales? Who the hell do you think you are? You say you provide
weapons to Israel. You haven’t provided a damn thing to Israel. Congress
provides weapons to Israel. You’re the one violating the Empowerment Act
and the Constitution by withholding it. Who the hell do you think you
are dictating to the Jewish people who survived The Babylonians, the
Persians, the Romans, and the Third Reich? Telling them that they cannot
wipe out Hamas, which is committed to the evisceration of their
population. Who the hell do you think you are to exploit the Jews here
at home by going to sacred property, the Holocaust Museum or Memorial as
a political stunt while secretly behind the back of the Jewish state?
You’re cutting off arms. Who the hell do you think you are when your
party, your Democrat donors whip up anti-Semitism all across this
country and you don’t tell them to stop and you don’t send the U.S.
Marshals in there so the Jewish kids can go to school and you don’t
direct the FBI to cut off this foreign funding from Qatar. Your buddies
at Qatar, your brother’s buddies at Qatar. Who the hell do you think you
are to tell the Jewish people in Israel whether they get to live or
whether they get to die? I am sick and tired of you. I am sick and tired
of your propaganda. I am sick and tired of your exploitation of the Jews
in this country. You think that Bernie Sanders, a self-hating Jew or
Thomas Friedman or Anthony Blinken represent the Jewish people in
Israel? You think the Jewish billionaires that fund you and your party
represent the Jewish people in Israel? Let me tell you something, pal.
You’re dead wrong. Your exploitation of the Jews. Your lies. I’m a
Zionist. I’m ironclad with Israel. And you’re a little propagandist,
Kirby. And the rest? I’ve had it up to here with you people. The Jews
have survived more than you. The Babylonians, the Persians, the Romans,
and the Third Reich. You’re a pitch geek. They’re going to fight Hamas.
They’re going to defeat Hamas. Whether they are you and Blinken and your
party and the rest of the reprobates, like it or not. And when Donald
Trump says if you’re Jewish and you vote for Blinken, something wrong
with you, you better believe it. That is suicide. You’re voting with the
very people who are marching in the street who want your extermination.
Wake up, America. And let me say this. Speaking of America, I want to
thank the American people, 80% of whom support Israel, 70% of whom
support Israel, wiping out Hamas. God bless each and every one of you.
Diverse backgrounds, all colors, all religions. You understand? You
understand good from evil. You understand barbarians who slaughter women
and children who do things that are unimaginable. Which is why the media
won’t show what took place on October seven. Joe Biden and Blinken
funded October seven. Donald Trump was destroying Iran. He bankrupt
Iran. They didn’t have arms. Biden and Blinken coming off office, they
arm them. They give sustenance to Hamas and Hezbollah. They violate the
Teller force act. They’re paying the Palestinian Liberation
Organization. BIDEN Why don’t you condemn the Nazis that run Iran, the
Nazis that run Hamas, the Nazis, that run Hezbollah by name? You know
their names. Rather than trashing the Jewish elected leader of Israel.
Why don’t you name them? Look at their human rights abuses. Why don’t
you give a damn? You stand there with the King of Jordan twice. You know
what the king of Jordan does to his people? You know how many people
he’s executed. You know how many people he’s thrown in prison, including
a stepbrother. You know anything about him? You know about Sisi in Egypt
or a moderate Arab moderate? He slaughters people. He imprisons people.
He cuts off free speech. You understand Biden, who you’ve thrown in with
against the Jewish people in Israel. I have nothing but contempt for
this man. My father was right. He was 17 when he joined the Army after
after Pearl Harbor. We grew up in Philadelphia, right next door to
Biden. And he always said to me, that is a bad man. BIDEN Do not trust
that man. I don’t trust him. I have nothing but contempt contempt for
him. Well, that apparently is going viral everywhere. I don’t know why,
but there it is. You know, I told you I was going to be on HANNITY last
night. And from where we live to that studio, it’s not that far at all.
And I was thinking, What should I say? What should I say? Well, both my
father and mother want me to say. I know what they would tell me. Expose
this bastard for what he is. That’s what my mother and father would tell
me. And I’ve had about enough of this. Israel. The perpetrators. Israel.
The oppressors. Israel. The mass murders. Using Hamas’s numbers. They
keep lying. There standing on hallowed ground, the Holocaust Memorial.
And there he is, knowing full well as he’s talking about the Holocaust.
They put a hold on armaments that Israel needs to win the war against
Hamas. What kind of a cynical. Crazed perverse politician does that
Biden. Biden doesn’t. The greatest threat Israel faces today is Biden.
It’s not even the terrorists. They can deal with them. It’s Biden. I
heard a friend of mine sound Fox, a dear friend, who said the Israelis
have to stop relying on us. For support with armaments because they’re
unreliable. He’s right about that. The problem is, as we’ve talked
about, it’s a tiny country with a very small population. It’s got an
economy. That was strong. Now it’s on its back as a result of the war.
But it can’t build a military industry the way that a large country like
the United States can. But it’s worse. You know, I notice that Democrats
in the media are saying, well, you know, in 1981, Reagan withheld some
fighter jets from Israel. Al Haig did. But let me tell you what Reagan
did not do. Reggae did not. The day before Biden administration
announced, as our friend Adam Credo reports that Free beacon. That would
withhold weapons from Israel. Issued sanctions waivers to allow arms
sales to Qatar and Lebanon. You believe that ring did not. From the
Iranians. The Iranians feared Reagan. Reagan did not fund the
terrorists. Biden has. And I could go on and on and on with this week.
Ridiculous comparison. Let’s talk about impeachment. I don’t want to go
over in this segment. So let me let me circle back right after the break
and let me talk about this. We’ve talked about it before, the
empowerment of funds, impeachment. Nixon. Trump. I understand that a.
That articles of impeachment. We’re filed today. We’ve tried to get
Corey Mills on this program, Mr. Producer. Tommy did. We can’t even get
an answer from that office. I don’t really need them to tell me how this
works. It’s going to thank them, but we’ll move on. The fact of the
matter is, this is necessary. And I’ll get into this in a moment. We’ll
be right back.

Segment 2
As we’ve discussed at length, and I’m going to do it tomorrow on Life,
Liberty and Levin in my opening. We have great guests and I hope you’ll
watch. The Empowerment Act was passed originally in 1974. There was a
constitutional conflict. With the overwhelmingly Democrat House and
Senate and the Republican president, Richard Nixon. I’ve always felt
Nixon was targeted by the Democrats, by the media for doing things. That
Lyndon Johnson had done. The John Kennedy had done, The Franklin
Roosevelt had done. But he was targeted. Well, he released tax returns.
Exactly. Those three presidents did that. Well, he covered up wrongdoing
that exactly those three presidents did, that he secretly recorded
people in the Oval Office. Exactly. Those three presidents did that.
Franklin Roosevelt being the first. And I go on and on. But that for
another day. So the statute was passed. It was challenged. By Nixon. The
court has ruled it’s an ambiguous area under the Constitution. Yes, of
course, Congress has the right to pass bills, including budget bills.
But a president’s in charge of executing. Can they force him the
execute? The answer is with very rare exceptions, yes. Otherwise, the
thinking goes that eviscerates Congress’s role. Right. Passing budgets
and determining. Debt levels and borrowing levels and so forth and so
on. So it’s actually a good idea. Because you don’t want to eviscerate
the core function of the of the Congress. And so we have this case.
We’ve talked about it. Tom Cotton wrote beautifully about it. We have
this case, of course, the impeachment of Donald Trump over Ukraine. The
Democrats. Well, they accused Donald Trump. Withholding funds from
Ukraine for political purposes because he wanted them to investigate
Biden. Of course it’s a lie. Did he withhold funds? Yes. Obama had
withheld funds. In fact, you might recall the famous video that’s only
been played 412 million times. Joe Biden threatening the prosecutor in
Ukraine. He didn’t lay a barrister where his son worked. Well, not
really worked. Was on the board getting money. But the United States
will pull billions of dollars from Ukraine. All that said. The Democrats
set the precedent. Now, what does this. Empowerment Act say it doesn’t
even say there needs to be a quid pro quo. Even though the author the
impeachment. Articles. I just saw him on TV saying that that exists and
he’s right about that. But it doesn’t even require that. The GAO did a
report in 2020 just in time for Donald Trump’s impeachment. And what did
it say? A GAO report said. The president cannot lawfully withhold funds
that have been appropriated by Congress anymore. They can violate any
other statute. President Ken Riley, the take care clause that we’ve
talked about as well. He can undermine under separation of powers, the
core function of Congress spending, taxing, borrowing and unilaterally
make these decisions. About not spending money unless he has a real
constitutional issue. But it specifically says it cannot be done for
policy reasons. That’s also the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the
take care clause. President has to enforce the laws. So here. But Biden
has done. Quid pro quo. Yes, but even that aside, he’s withheld payments
from Israel. Over a policy dispute with Congress over a policy dispute
with Israel. That’s not good enough. That is a blatant violation of the
empowerment statute that the take care clause of Congress’s powers,
powers to determine how to spend and to pass legislation. It’s an
impeachable offense.

Segment 3
Biden lifts the waivers for Lebanon and Qatar before he blocks and
blocks the provision of armaments to Israel to destroy Hamas. Qatar has
been funding Hamas. Qatar has been funding the riots by the Hitler Youth
and our college campuses. Among others. Lebanon is the home of
Hezbollah. Hezbollah controls Lebanon. Biden has violated the Teller
Force Act. Teller Force was a young man, a veteran. Went to West Point,
served his country in combat, went to Jerusalem and was murdered. They
are peaceful Palestinian, quote unquote, who received his family a
pension. From Abbas as a result of killing Americans and anybody else.
That’s why Donald Trump and others supported the Teller Force Act. Joe
Biden comes in office, he starts funding it again in violation of
federal law. He lifts waivers immediately for Iran. As you well know by
now, thanks to this show. $100 billion in sales, oil sales, around $10
billion in direct subsidies, $6 billion twice, once for hostage ransom
payoffs. Parent. And keep in mind, the Iranian people don’t want their
government. So Joe Biden is not only arming. A terrorist government that
is building nukes. It is ensuring that the people of Iran continue to
suffer, be raped, brutalised, summarily murdered. While he claims to
care about citizens, he don’t care about our citizens on the southern
border. He doesn’t care about the Iranian citizens. He sure as hell
doesn’t care about the Israeli citizens. I’m tired of hearing about what
he’s done for Israel and done anything Congress passes that he’s built.
Nothing can be done without Congress’s consent. He showed up one day as
president United States. Those decisions had already been made. My
predecessors. No. What you don’t know is that Biden has place throughout
his government, throughout his regime, Islamists. At the Defense
Department, at the State Department, at the National Security Council.
Islamists in our federal courts. He’s populating the swamp. With
Islamists. Over Breitbart. Our buddy Joel Pollak has a piece. Biden’s
National Security. National Security Council intelligence director may
Hare. Beitar is a former radical pro-Palestinian activist. This is the
man presumably has an office at the White House. National security intel
director. Maher Bitar, the White House coordinator, coordinator for
intelligence and defence policy at the United States National Security
Council, was a radical pro-Palestinian activist and he leader within
Students for Justice in Palestine. This is this Hamas front group. Think
about. Think about this. What’s going on here? The SJP is one of the
most prominent groups involved in the pro-Hamas Jew hating a camp and
protests that have taken over dozens of university campuses. Its parent
group is also the largest of a lawsuit by survivors and families of
victims of October seven. The terror attack that alleges the Students
for Justice in Palestine is a propaganda front for Hamas in the U.S.,
which, of course it is. Peter’s record is coming under closer scrutiny
as Biden takes unprecedented action to undermine Israel’s war against
the Hamas terrorists. Including withholding arms from Israel. Biden’s
decision was applauded by representative. Jew hater. American hater.
Marxist Islamist Ilhan Omar. Who has backed the radical protests, whose
daughter was suspended from Barnard College for her role in radical
protests at nearby Columbia University. Daniel Greenfield, great writer,
wrote about bitters background in a 2021 article published by the Jewish
News Syndicate. Great news platform. You wrote at the Palestinian
Solidarity Movement, PZM at their conference in Georgetown in 26 excuse
me, 2006. Peter had run a session describing how to best demonize
Israel. Next year, he facilitated a Palestinian Students Society summit
addressed by Joseph Massad. He’d call Israel a Jewish supremacy state.
And he praised. Terrorism. I know it’s annoying, folks. For me too. Few
years later, Petar could be found presenting at a CBO conference.
Featuring some of the worst bigots like Rebecca Villa Commerson of J.F.
Jay, VP, Jewish Folk for Peace. Another Marxist front group invited a
terrorist to address the BDC group and Richard Falk. Produced a book
which wondered whether Hitler might have been right after all. Peter,
this is a guy that works for Biden, directly interned at the misnamed
and militantly anti-Israel Foundation. For Middle East peace, studied at
Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre. He wrote papers on the so-called Nakba
and on Palestinian activism, appeared to describe Israel’s security
barrier as a segregation wall. UNWRA has been implicated in the October
seven attacks, and Massad, who teaches at Columbia, praised those
attacks. Our good friend columnist Carolyn Glick wrote in Israel Hayom
that that time a bitter appointment by Biden. You understand this guy is
the head of intelligence over the National Security Council. She said.
This week, White House announced that Maha Beitar had been appointed to
serve as the senior director for intelligence at the NSC. The position
is one of the most powerful posts and the U.S. intelligence community.
The senior director is the node to which all intelligence from all
agencies flows. He decides what to share with the president and in the
name of the President, determines priorities for intelligence,
operations and collection. The senior director of intelligence also
determines what information the U.S. intelligence community will share
with foreign intelligence services. Likewise, he decides how to relate
to information that foreign intelligence agencies share with America.
Usually, the sensitive position is reserved for a CIA officer who is
detailed in the National Security Council. But Bitar is not an
intelligence professional. He is an anti-Israel political activist. Went
outside the door of the Oval Office. Glick noted that. Peter’s master’s
thesis at Oxford University was about the so-called Palestinian Nakba,
which is how Palestinians now refer to the displacement of 700,000
people due to a war in which Arab states tried to destroy Israel at its
founding. The Zionist Organization for America, the oldest pro-Israel
group with us, also warned at the time a betters appointment that
betters rise to a position of prominence at the White House meant,
quote, anti-Israel hate occupies the top of the foreign policy
establishment and is set to define the foreign policy. The Biden
administration. Petar also played a key role in the first impeachment of
President Trump. Imagine that working for Representative Adam Schiff on
the House Intelligence Committee. Politico described guitarist a
Schiff’s top legal adviser, quote unquote. These self-hating Jews are a
disaster, are they not, Mr. Minister? He served as National Security
Council director for Israeli and Palestinian affairs during the Obama
administration as a deputy to Samantha Power while she was at the NSC.
He also worked as a foreign affairs officer at the State Department.
Bitter his close when national security adviser Jake Sullivan. From
their time together at the State Department. Peter served as a senior
member of the House impeachment team during Trump’s first impeachment.
Alongside Dan Goldman, Remember that reprobate who worked as the
impeachment managers, top lawyer and Goldman called Bitar a brilliant
lawyer, and said his experience on the committee would give the new NSC
insight into the changes in the intelligence community over the last
four years. So he’s worked for. Adam Schiff and his work for Dan
Goldman. Imagine that. Imagine that a guy that worked with the Students
for Justice in Palestine, a Hamas front group. Were for two of the
biggest reprobates in the house, both of whom are Jewish. The office of
the Senior Director of Intelligence receives sensitive information that
comes in from the intelligence agencies specially so hard copy form
coordinates covert action activities between the White House and Intel
community. So where the NSC houses the server that stores the most
sensitive classified information. Peter’s current high level
intelligence position of the National Security Council does not require.
Senate confirmation. This was written yesterday by our man, Joel Pollak.
Maher, Better White House coordinator for intelligence and Defense
policy at the NSC. Who serves directly. Biden, Sullivan, and Blinken.
And you have people like this. Throughout the Defense Department,
intelligence agencies, the State Department and beyond. Thanks to Barack
Obama and Joe Biden. What do you think about that, America? I’ll be
right back.

Segment 4
Boy, this show moves fast, doesn’t it? At least I think it does. Sky
Malley Another one. Robert Malley, a well-known Marxist, in my view, a
well known special pleader for Iran, in my view. He’s plucked of all the
people they could pluck, they plucked him to be the special envoy to
Iran. He brings in three individuals. We’ve talked about this at length.
At least one of whom was exchanging emails with the Foreign Minister’s
office and the foreign minister in Iran. Sharing speeches with them or
locations they may go wondering if it was okay being waved off,
particularly when it came to Israel by the foreign minister. Why would
you pick Robert Malley? Well, he was picked by Antony Blinken. Why would
you pick Antony Blinken? Pretty incredible, don’t you think? Well, he’s
under investigation. It’s come out. We knew he was, but now he’s under
formal FBI investigation. For the misuse of classified information. Now
he doesn’t have any constitutional protections. Like President Trump.
Jamal, you could not have mishandled classified information. Since he’s
in charge of it. But that aside. What’s going to happen to Mellie? He
downloaded, as the report goes, classified information. Through his
private platforms minds me. Hillary Clinton must produce. Now, you would
think this is a clear violation of the Espionage Act. Wouldn’t you? Said
Malley and his team. Of reprobates. Negotiating with Iran. Special
players for Iran. On nuclear weapons, making no progress whatsoever. And
Iran will have a breakout in. My prediction has been after the election
they will announce. You have this other guy I mentioned, Battier. He’s
the top intelligence guy on the National Security Council. With a
radical Israel hating past. I just see how he’s circulating in
Washington with Adam Schiff. But Dan Goldman. Biden. Stunning. You have
a secretary excuse me, of a State Department filled with Islamists and
Jew haters. Always has been, by the way, but especially now. This is the
Biden administration. This is why these policies. These policies come
out. The Democrat Party, ladies and gentlemen. Has become a cancer on a
body politic. It’s a poison. It’s the umbrella organization for the
Marxists and the Islamists for the Hitler Youth. It’s an umbrella
organization. That seeks to destroy our system of government, our
economic system. That’s what they mean by fundamental. Transformation.
Fundamental. Not reform. Fundamental transformation. Democrat Party.
Could care less about its base. That is black people and brown people.
The borders wide open. Why is it wide open? They’re displacing people in
our inner cities, in particular resources that are going to illegal
aliens, whether they’re credit cards. Places to sleep. Limited
resources. They’re not going to American citizens in the inner cities.
They’re going to foreigners who just walk across our border. Because the
Democrat Party is about power, power and more power. That’s it. That’s
it. And so it’ll throw in with the Islamists and the Hitler Youth. In
fact, the Democrat billionaires funding it all. Throw in with Qatar and
Hamas and communist China, they don’t do a fan dance with them.
Perfectly fine. I’ll be right back.
